Up! Up! & Away!

“I have to what?!”…..Captain Anderson and his crew have their orders to fly to Zentac and train the new flight crew! And what a crew it is! The first onboard is the disfunctional Royal Family of Zen-tec. Unfortunately, during the flight the Royal Highness’s diamond tiara has been discovered missing. Captain Anderson desperately needs the help of the crew onboard to keep everything running smoothly. Of course, an investigation was not planned for…however, Scotland Yard has supplied a personal guard for the “Royals” – his presence is put to good use!!

• A comedy with two acts and two intermissions
• For six men and eleven women
• Time: The present
• Place: Somewhere over Europe

If you wish to purchase the scripts for this play the cost is: $10.00 per character + 3 free scripts for production staff. A total of $170.00. Royalties $70.00 per performance . Send a Certified Cheque or Money Order along with your name address and e-maill address to:

Heather D. Veinotte
63 Feener’s Corner Road
West Northfield, Nova Scotia
B4V 5E4

Once payment has been recieved a copy of the play will be sent to you by e-mail. If you wish a hard copy sent, there will be an additional cost for shipping.