Last Stop, Lunenburg!

The colonel has just been informed that his “dear” social climbing wife has invited the governor of Nova Scotia to the anniversary of Lunenburg. If this wasn’t bad enough, he wants to read the landing list at the service. Someone has stolen the list. They must find it before the governor arrives. The cast includes a tipsy town crier who lands in a jail that is always occupied, a colonel who’s having a nervous breakdown, and some local town folks. The chuckles are never-ending.

• A comedy with two acts and two intermissions.
• For five men and six women
• Time: Late 1790’s
• Place: Lunenburg, Nova Scotia

If you wish to purchase the scripts for this play the cost is: $10.00 per character + 3 free scripts for production staff. A total of $110.00. Royalties $70.00 per performance . Send a Certified Cheque or Money Order along with your name address and e-maill address to:

Heather D. Veinotte
63 Feener’s Corner Road
West Northfield, Nova Scotia
B4V 5E4

Once payment has been recieved a copy of the play will be sent to you by e-mail. If you wish a hard copy sent, there will be an additional cost for shipping.