Going Up!

“A quaint little hotel on an island outside of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia” ….quaint as it may be, it still has its problems, and the biggest one is the fact that the hotel is being sold to perspective buyers who “come from away”. It’s imperative that the hotel runs smoothly while the new owners do their assessment prior to finalizing the purchase. Will they arrive as “guests” so their identity is not known to the staff? Just who are the new owners? Are they the southerners, the archeologists, the doctor….oh my, how are the staff suppose to know? Witness the ups and downs at the Rosedale Hotel.

• A comedy in two acts and two intermissions.
• For six men & nine women
• Time: The present
• Place: An island close to Lunenburg

If you wish to purchase the scripts for this play the cost is: $10.00 per character + 3 free scripts for production staff. A total of $150.00. Royalties $70.00 per performance . Send a Certified Cheque or Money Order along with your name address and e-maill address to:

Heather D. Veinotte
63 Feener’s Corner Road
West Northfield, Nova Scotia
B4V 5E4

Once payment has been received a copy of the play will be sent to you by e-mail. If you wish a hard copy sent, there will be an additional cost for shipping.