The Reverend Colt is looking forward to serving as the new assistant minister in his new parish, “The Church of St. Anna and Catherine Near the River”.
Unfortunately, his joy is short lived. Arriving, he meets absent-minded Reverend Dooley. He quickly realizes that some of the parishioners aren’t the brightest burning candles on the alter.
Mix in a choir competition, undertakers that hate funerals and a missing organ. These parishioners will keep you chuckling as Reverend Colt tries to create order from mayhem in “Bringing In The Sheep”.
• A comedy in two acts and two intermissions
• For five men and five women
• Time: The Present
• Place: The office of the Assistant Minister
If you wish to purchase the scripts for this play the cost is: $10.00 per character + 3 free scripts for production staff. A total of $100.00. Royalties $70.00 per performance . Send a Certified Cheque or Money Order along with your name address and e-maill address to:
Heather D. Veinotte
63 Feener’s Corner Road
West Northfield, Nova Scotia
B4V 5E4
Once payment has been received a copy of the play will be sent to you by e-mail. If you wish a hard copy sent, there will be an additional cost for shipping.